Friday, September 6, 2013

Random Photos From NYC

Here are some random photos I took in New York City last week that didn't make it into my earlier blog posts but which I really like.

Where else but NYC would you see a guy on a street corner with a snake who would let your kid wear it and you take a picture for a suggested donation of only $10?

This guy in Central Park obviously didn't read the sign about Strawberry Fields being a "quiet zone", he was signing Beatles tunes when we passed by, and not very well. :(

This was my favourite bus shelter ad:

There was just something about these 2 guys, sitting in a bus shelter together, waiting for their ride:

Loved the mosaics eyes around the security camera bubble in the subway station near the World Trade Center.  A clever way to let people know Big Brother is watching them!

I was impressed with these soda bottles, made out of aluminum.  Why did it take so long for somebody to think of this?!

A plaque on the ground along the Avenue of the Americas with a warning for pedestrians that the sidewalk doesn't actually belong to Americans:

And last but not least, I took this photo as we taxied down the runway for takeoff and didn't notice the bird on the pier until after I downloaded the photo when I got home!

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